Olivier Lyon Lynch has developed a practice dedicated to players in the banking, financial and insurance sectors.
On the banking and financial side, he assists them in any legal disputes they may encounter with their partners or customers. In this respect, Olivier has acted on behalf of numerous credit institutions and asset management companies in litigation cases involving fraud (Ponzi schemes, payment fraud, identity theft, etc.).
He also assists financial institutions in disciplinary proceedings (AMF and ACPR).
Olivier regularly advises credit institutions, payment and investment service providers, fintechs and intermediaries on their regulatory obligations (licensing, internal control, anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, governance, distribution, etc.).
On the insurance side, Olivier has been assisting insurance companies and intermediaries for over 15 years with legal disputes against their partners or arising from the implementation of insurance guarantees.
He also assists them in disciplinary proceedings before the ACPR’s Enforcement Committee.
Olivier also advises players in the insurance sector on regulatory issues and transactional operations (mergers & acquisitions, sales of insurance or brokerage portfolios, etc.).
He also provides training for professionals, teaches at universities and regularly publishes in various specialized journals.
Lawyer since : 2008
Bar. : Paris
Language(s) : French - English
Training :
- Master in English and North American Business Law – University of Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I), 2005-2006
- Master in International Trade Law – University of Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I), 2004-2005
Fida, une réforme pour le meilleur ou le pire de l’assurance – L’Agefi – Mai 2024. Citations d’Olivier Lyon Lynch
Sujet technique autant que polarisant, le projet de règlement européen de Financial Data Access (Fida) soulève interrogations et inquiétudes chez les acteurs de l’assurance. lien vers l’article
Paris | Fida, une réforme pour le meilleur ou le pire de l’assurance – L’Agefi – Mai 2024. Citations d’Olivier Lyon Lynch
Règlement MiCA – Règlement MiCA et réglementation des abus de marché – Etude par Dominique Legeais et Olivier Lyon Lynch, Revue de Droit bancaire et financier n° 5, Septembre-Octobre 2023
Research by Dominique Legeais, Professor at the Université Paris Cité and Director of CEDAG, and Olivier Lyon Lynch, lawyer – partner, Jeantet. The MiCA regulation deals with frequent market abuse. There is a repressive component and a preventive component. Essentially, the provisions are based on the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR). The system has been simplified […]
La position AMF DOC-2023-07 confirmant les orientations de l’ABE sur l’utilisation de solutions d’entrée en relation d’affaires à distance : une étape de plus vers l’harmonisation des pratiques en matière de LCB-FT, Bulletin Joly Bourse, 29/09/2023
In its position of July 28, 2023, the AMF declares that it is applying all the guidelines issued by the EBA concerning “the use of remote business relationship entry solutions”, published on November 22, 2022 and applicable from October 2, 2023. Here’s what our teams have to say.
“Companies must take the measure of strengthening the rights of whistleblowers” – LJA Magazine, June 2023 – ITW by Martine Samuelian, Florent Prunet and Olivier Lyon Lynch
Transposant la directive européenne du 23 octobre 2019 sur la protection des personnes qui signalent des violations du droit de l’Union, la loi Waserman de mars 2022 a sensiblement renforcé les marges de manœuvre des lanceurs d’alerte en France. Alors que le Défenseur des Droits vient d’actualiser son guide pratique consacré à ce statut, Florent Prunet, avocat […]
The captive soon released – Option finance, 09/01/2023
Le 29 décembre 2022, le Conseil constitutionnel a rejeté le recours introduit par certains députés à l’encontre de l’article 6 du projet de loi de finances 2023 qui avait été définitivement adopté par le Parlement. Ce dispositif introduit un nouveau régime fiscal de faveur destiné à encourager les entreprises à recourir aux captives de réassurance sur le […]
LOPMI: A welcome clarification on the legality of the insurability of cyber-breaches – Semaine juridique Générale, 09/01/2023
Le 7 septembre 2022, le Gouvernement a engagé la procédure accélérée pour l’adoption du projet de loi d’orientation et de programmation du ministère de l’Intérieur (LOPMI) intégrant un volet sur la cybersécurité à son article 4, le texte, qui a définitivement été voté le 14 décembre 2022, apporte un éclairage très attendu sur la réponse […]
Jeantet appoints four new partners
Paris, 1st January 2023 – Jeantet announces the appointment of 4 new partners on 1st January 2023: Maxime Brotz (M&A), Guillaume Fornier (M&A), Adrien Fourmon (Public Law), Olivier Lyon Lynch (Banking-Finance-Insurance). As part of its development and growth strategy, Jeantet announces, barely one month after the arrival of 3 new lateral partners, the appointment […]
Jeantet advises Kereis in connection with the acquisition of Dame Prevoyance
Paris, 17 November 2022 – Jeantet has advised CBP France (Groupe Kereis) with its acquisition of Dame Prévoyance, a BtoB insurance brokerage company specialized in funeral insurance, from its founding partners (including Franklin Abitbol, Mario Metta, Emmanuel Babala Costa and Kevin Yang). Thanks to this acquisition, Kereis, a European brokerage group specialized in personal insurance, […]
Jeantet advises Kereis in connection with the acquisition of Caassure
Paris, 17 November 2022 – Jeantet advised Kereis Holding with its acquisition of Caassure, a brokerage firm specialized in BtoBtoC and BtoC individual loan insurance, from Delta Assurances. Kereis, a European brokerage group specialized in personal insurance and a major player in its BtoBtoC distribution, is strengthening its loan insurance distribution activity, in particular from […]
Elliott case: a final lap for obstruction – Bulletin Joly Bourse, 07/01/2022
Martine Samuelian, Partner, and Olivier Lyon Lynch, Counsel, analyze the Court of Appeal’s decision for Bulletin Joly Bourse.
Jeantet advises Housinganywhere in its acquisition of a majority stake in Studapart
Paris, February 17, 2022, Jeantet advised HousingAnywhere, the leading dutch accommodation marketplace on its acquisition of a majority stake in Studapart, the number one student rental accommodation platform in France. With this acquisition and after acquiring market leaders in Germany, Italy, Iceland and the Netherlands, HousingAnywhere consolidates its leading position in Europe by size and […]
Jeantet advises Kereis Holding (formerly CEP Group) on its acquisition of a majority stake in ASSFI
Paris, 15 November 2021 – Jeantet advised Kereis Holding (formerly Financière Holding CEP) on its acquisition of a majority stake in the brokerage company RB Conseil (ASSFI), an expert in special risks in loan insurance, created in 1990 by Olivier Rolot, subsequently joined in the capital by Valentine Dussagne in 2014. Valentine Dussagne, new CEO […]