Point Décryptage de La loi Macron chez JeantetAssociés


Jeudi 16 Juillet 2015 (9H-10H30), Déborah David, associée, Océane Demoulin et Laurianne Hôo, collaboratrices au sein du pôle Droit social, organisent pour les adhérents de l’AJIS,  un point presse, décryptage du projet de loi « Croissance et activité », adopté définitivement le 10 juillet 2015.
Seront abordés les thèmes suivants : les nouvelles règles en matière de travail dominical, d’accords de maintien dans l’emploi et de licenciement économiques, ainsi que le nouveau barème d’indemnités applicable aux licenciements sans cause réelle et sérieuse.

Our last events

Replay Webinar Jeantet-CommStrat – France Elections: Impact on current & future foreign investments?

Following the results of the French Elections last Sunday, don’t miss the replay of our webinar held last night on “France elections, impact on current & future foreign investments?” with Karl Hepp de Sevelinges M&A Partner and Co-Managing Partner Jeantet, and Guillaume Labbez, Chairman of CommStrat – Communication Stratégique and Professor in Public Affairs. Key […]



IBA Annual Conference Mexico City 2024

The Jeantet team will be in Mexico City to take part in the International Bar Association 2024 annual conference. A diverse team of experts specializing in a wide range of fields, including Corporate M&A, Labor law, Banking and Finance, and Energy. Let’s take this opportunity to meet during this period to explore opportunities for synergies and collaborations.


Business and Legal Forum 2021 – What are the interests and risks of adopting the status of a company with a mission ?, 10/14/2021

Philippe Portier spoke on the topic: GOVERNANCE & COMPLIANCE of the impact company (with a mission): What impact for directors, compliance and legal directors? Jeantet is a partner of the Business & Legals Forum 2021 which took place on October 14, 2021. Discover his interview on the interests and risks of adopting the status of […]

